Caterina Barbaro

  • US$300.00
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Caterina Barbaro 1499 Brozonis RD Laceyville PA 18623

Thu, Jun 1, 2023, 10:10 pm

([email protected])To:[email protected] + 1 more Details

Dear Attorneys,

I am writing to you on behalf of Caterina Barbaro. Caterina is a victim of fraud and abuse by her brother, Marcelo Barbaro. Caterina has an intellectual disability and has received social security payments since she was 18. Her brother has been acting as her estate executor and managing her finances since their mother passed away in 2022.

However, Caterina recently discovered that her brother has been stealing and using her social security payments for his expenses. He has also been selling her home (currently pending a sale) without her consent or knowledge and plans soon to evict her from the property for financial gain. Caterina is terrified and helpless, and she needs your legal assistance to stop her brother's actions and recover her assets.

I have sent a separate email with attached documents that prove Caterina's disability status, her social security payments history, and the deed of her home. Please review them and contact me as soon as possible to discuss the next steps. Caterina deserves justice and protection from her brother's fraud and abuse. I will obtain a $5,500 loan from Mariner Finance to cover Caterina's retainer fees.

Thank you for your time and attention.


Cecilia Mercado

Intellectual disability is a term used when there are limits to a person's ability to learn at an expected level and function in daily life. People with intellectual disability may have problems with communication, social skills, reasoning, memory, and self-care. Unfortunately, some people may take advantage of them for financial gain by stealing their social security payments and selling their house that does not belong to the perpetrator. This can leave the victim penniless and homeless.

For example, a woman with an intellectual disability who lived in her grandmother's house was tricked by a man who claimed to be her friend. He convinced her to sign over the house deed and sold it without her knowledge. He also took her monthly checks and left her with nothing. The woman had neighbors and other friends who helped her and started a fundraiser. They also reported the crime to the authorities and hoped justice would be served.


  • Cecilia Mercado


  • Rafael rosario
  • Donated on Jun 04, 2023
  • wishing you all the best Cathy, sorry your going through rough times that were created. let me know how things go


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Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Rafael rosario
  • Donated on Jun 04, 2023
  • wishing you all the best Cathy, sorry your going through rough times that were created. let me know how things go



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