Car Registration Fees

Fundraising campaign by knugwa
  • US$0.00
    raised of $310.00 goal goal
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As a full-time college student, I toil everyday to support myself. In addition to my monthly necessities such as food, clothing, rent and utilities, I have to also pay for my college tuition. Sometimes I am overwhelmed by all of my financial burdens. Often times, it is rewarding to know that I am able to do all of this on my own through hard work and determination.

There are times, however, when can I barely make ends meet, and fall short of money when an extra expense comes along. I need help with paying my past due car registration. If I don't pay it, or use money that is needed to pay necessary monthly living costs, this could create a domino effect. On one hand, I need my car to get to work and school. On the other hand, I must pay for rent, utilities, food, etc.

I would be truly grateful if I could get some assistance with this car registration fee. It would enable me to continue to have a reliable way of getting to and from work and stay current with all of my bills. I appreciate any help you can provide and hope that I can give back to others in need one day. Thank you.


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raised of $310.00 goal
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities