Can Angels in the world help fund our two families becoming one?

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Hello and thank you for taking the time to view our page. My name is Diane and my future husband’s name is Franz. Franz and I have been together since 11/17/2013. Franz and I are members of Suntree Methodist Church. We were both raised in Brevard County, Florida. My father served in the military (Airforce) My Step-Dad passed away when I was 12 years old. My mother is currently retired; however, she is still a licensed realtor. Franz’s mother passed away when he was 25 years old. His father also served in the military (Army).

We have financially struggled over the last few years and even have been down to sharing one vehicle and managed to make it work. We always make everything stable for our family and have everything go as smooth as we possibly can without burdening friends and family. Not to mention we have our combined four children; Catalina (16), Joseph (10), Ayden (9), and Jayden (8). Catalina is in volleyball and chorus, Joseph is in running, Ayden plays flag football, and Jayden plans on joining soccer this upcoming season.

Marriage is about love and joy. It’s about family becoming one and being together forever. We are so excited to become a family and do not want to wait anymore. We have been trying for the last couple years to find a way to get married with our close friends and family in attendance. Unfortunately, we have not had the best of luck in being able to save money because our money has been extremely tight. Raising four children is expensive to say the least. We want to continue to encourage our children to be in the activities they are currently involved in and encourage any other extra-curricular activities they would like to be involved because we believe it is important to their future, their goals, and learning new skills.

Franz and I live day-to-day financially. We are currently renting our home and just like everyone else we have those fun reoccurring bills we have to pay, groceries we need to get to feed us (kids will eat you out of house and home), putting gas in the tank, and of course those extra incidents that come up sporadically; such as, medical, car issues, and extra school fees.

Franz currently opened his own business called L.E.D. and more INC. Franz does LED lights of any kind and anything that can be made with a laser; such as, coasters, 3D puzzles, doll houses, plaques, signs and so forth. So, if you cannot donate but need a good L.E.D. specialist please call Franz. He is licensed and certified. I am currently working for a cleaning service. I clean houses for a living and I plan on starting my own cleaning business soon. Also, if you need your house cleaned please contact me. ANY little bit of money will help us reach our goal. If you aren’t a fan of donating BUT you live locally Franz and I will also work for you. We will do yard work, detail cars, clean your house, help with any elderly family member, and of course anything LED lights of any kind (that’s Franz department). Franz and I are honest hard-working people. Anyone who knows us would let you know what our character is. We are willing to work too to reach our goal.

We truly are living on LOVE and we have never asked for help before but are options have definitely run dry. We are asking for your help today to improve our lives, to make our family united, and to truly be as one.



  • Diane Kleinknecht
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $5,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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