building my dream boat and dream life

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    raised of CA$3,000.00 goal goal
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Hi all.  I'm looking to raise money to buy an aluminum welder so I can build custom jet boats for myself and possibly start up a business building aluminum jet boats for people as well.  I have a passion with boats and would love a boat, but can't really afford one. That's why I decided to build one myself. I'm short a couple thousand dollars and would love it if ANYONE could help out with making my dream of owning a boat a reality.  I can't promise you guys anything personal, aside from helping someone to achieve their dream. This can potentially change my life and my families lives if I succeed.  Thank you for your time. 


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raised of CA$3,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities