Buddies of the Buddes

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On Christmas Eve, Dad/Don Budde went to the Emergency room, having already been sick for the two weeks prior. He was hospitalized for about a week at the Providence Little Company of Mary Medical Center in San Pedro while tests were run and a stint was placed in one of his bile ducts. He was finally able to go home to Arizona to start treatment for the ulcer they discovered in his intestines, which they determined was not due to stomach acids. They are still waiting on biopsy results to tell what the cause is.

I started this campaign because Don and his family are basically my family. I have known them for a little over 13 years, Megan and I met in middle school and we've been friends ever since (mostly!). Dayna and Don helped me navigate through some pretty emotional times in my life. They were all kind enough to open their home to me when I was in need. They fed me and put a roof over my head out of the kindness of their hearts and I do call them my mom and my dad and my sister. I know I'm not the only person that has been touched by their love and generosity, given how many adopted siblings I have because of them.

I started this campaign because hospital visits aren't cheap. My goal is to help them out with enough money for them to not have to worry about bills. I want Dad to focus on resting and getting better, not pushing himself to work even though he doesn't feel well (because you know he will). While they are receiving some financial assistance with the hospital stay, I'm told that the Buddes still need to pay anywhere from $1200 to $4700, depending on how much more they can get taken off. The money raised here will hopefully give them enough breathing room to focus on Dad in the next few months of testing and doctors visits.

I know times are hard and we're all doing what we can to get by. Anything you can give will help out. Don and Dayna and Megan are some of the most selfless and giving people I know, and the money we raise will help give them the peace of mind they deserve.

Fundraising Team

  • Katherine Flores
  • Campaign Owner
  • Megan Budde
  • Budde Liason

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raised of $30,000.00 goal
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