Blosem Foundation

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    raised of R7,200,000.00 goal goal
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BloseM Foundation is a legally incorporated and compliant Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) founded in 2019. Albeit based in Johannesburg, South Africa, BloseM Foundation is founded to deliver its services in all parts of South Africa.

BloseM Foundation is the brainchild of Mbali Blose who in December 2017 was declared medically healed of the Severe Aplastic Anaemia cancer she was diagnosed with in 2010 as a 10 year old girl then. In the early stages of her diagnosis, Mbali received an average of 2 pints of blood and platelets transfusions every week. Having gone through intensive cancer treatment to fight off the life-threatening condition, which majorly included chemotherapy, cancer drugs and blood transfusions, Mbali was more convinced of the importance of donated blood to save lives. Today Mbali is a lively university student who has set her sights on inspiring voluntary blood donation amongst South Africans and to achieving great things in her illustrious life. This she says is her way of thanking and repaying society back for having saved her life through blood donations. Mbali is the Patron of BloseM Foundation.

Why is voluntary blood donation important? Donated blood provides life-saving medical treatment for children with life threatening anaemia, trauma victims, women with pregnancy related complications, organ transplants, bone marrow transplants, complicated surgical procedures and cancer treatments would not be possible.

Our cause is to ensure that, through our voluntary blood donation promotional programme, South Africa never runs out of blood reserves at its hospitals and clinics and that every patient has access to the life-saving blood when they need it, irrespective of their racial and socio-economic status. Importantly, we seek to promote a healthy lifestyle, free of sexually transmitted diseases of all types amongst youth!


I am the Executive Director of Blosem Foundation in full-time support of my daughter's (Mbali Blose) foundation initiative.

I am the Executive Director of Blosem Foundation in full-time support of my daughter's (Mbali Blose) foundation initiative.

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Chikumbi Sumani
raised of R7,200,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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