Fighting Back

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    raised of $3,000.00 goal goal
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Raised offline: $30.00
Total: $30.00
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Have you ever had to endure the trauma of hearing the words " You have cancer"

Have you ever thought of the emotional pain that person must go through at that moment

No, neither have I until I experienced it first hand. For that person it is devastating news and they have to find a way to cope with that, mentally and physically.

Now comes the treatment, the bills and the reality.

Good day, my name is

Etienne Webster

and I am fundraising to help a very close friend of mine to pay for her cancer treatment, supplements and other costs.
I can tell you a story full drama and pain but instead I am going to give you the facts.

Santha is a very talented artist, interior and exterior decorator and custom furniture designer. She has been running her own business for many years. A few years ago she fell ill and lost her sight. After two years and a very successful eye operation she regained her sight and started her business again. The illness and the loss of her sight as well as all the medical bills brought her very close to bankruptcy, because of her fighting spirit she started again.
About a year ago she fell ill and could not work, the doctor diagnosed metal poisoning and she underwent celation therapy, this helped a bit and she focused again on her work. She fell ill again and was diagnosed with Cancer, Lymphoma. This came as a blow for she had just got back on her feet, now she has to fight this new enemy.
She is still working and are trying her utmost to keep on working, the treatment and illness has it affects and she can not work all the time and this had a impact on her income. She can not afford all the monthly expenses that goes hand in hand with the treatment and had to skip a few treatments already. By skipping treatments she gets a set back in her health, this is not good and this has a lot of stress put upon her. A stressful environment are not a healthy environment for cancer and actually makes it worse.
Santha needs assistance in paying for her treatment each month, she does not need the full amount, only the outstanding.
Santha does not expect handouts, if there are anyone that wants to commission her for a painting or a sculpture to assist in paying for the treatment she will gladly accept a commission.

Please assist.
Thank you
Etienne Webster

You can also donate to the following link;


  • Etienne Webster
  • Campaign Owner
Mar 12

Are the world seeking sensation rather than to help people ?

Update posted by Etienne Webster at 08:21 am

After 2030 views of this campaign, 12/03/2018, no one was able or willing to assist. Why?

See update


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raised of $3,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: $30.00
Total: $30.00

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