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My name is Gert Kotze, I have invented a device that can give people in a wheelchair a second chance in life, after I got married to my wife I realized how fortunate we are, like going to the toilet, taking a bath or get in and out of bed, sometimes we take these things for granted, this took me 5 years to complete and what makes this unique this can help people in hospital who are dependent on medical staff for help, even our old people world wide can have a better life, the sad part about life we all reading this can at any point be a victim and the life we had will be gone, also accidents can change our life's at any time, people think to have disibility cover can help one, let's look what you get for a million bucks, you can buy a expensive wheelchair and that is that, you have to modify you house to accommodate you, and then you can pay someone to take care of you, that's it. This made me think?


May 15

Design complete

Update posted by Gert Kotze at 03:29 pm

I have complete the designing of the cradle, the cradle is the heart of this design, will act like a clamping device and what makes this unique I had to get the centre of gravity this need to balance 100% as this will hold the person like a invinsable hand. . . . .

See update


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raised of $100,000.00 goal
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