Feb 20, 2021 at 02:25 pm

February 20, 2021

Update posted by Sophia Barrido

Update from my sister this morning:

Hi Fam! We thank God for His new mercy today❤️

Just an update: so far one of the highlights is that Zo is still fighting even if doctor said that he might not make it last night. 🥺 Also his lungs has improvement, more clear today. No bleeding for today and no transfusion except for the albumin. Decrease of water in His body. Also, he started feeding again today. Thank You Lord , we praise You regardless if it’s small or big wins. ❤️

But pls continue to pray for the following: for his bp to normalize, wisdom for doctors to know the cause of increase of Zo’s bp. For liver , heart ,albumin and lungs to be completely healed from the infection. For DIC to be gone in his body and for wisdom from the doctors on how to stabilize his clotting and bleeding. For his brains to be healed from the infection too so that the activity will normalize because right now zo is producing too much saliva because he is having a hard time swallowing it because his brain activity is slow. And For his immune system to be strong to fight off any virus / bacteria that he may get again. Thank you ❤️

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