Jun 19, 2020 at 02:27 pm

廣告用字嘅最終出街版本 / 就某啲hot discussion 嘅回應

Update posted by A S

十二分之抱歉要大家久等,我哋剛剛同蘋果 finalise 咗左個廣告submit咗,下面係廣告用字嘅最終出街版本:







人性良知 絕不妥協 一息尚存 絕不折腰

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另外係我哋就某啲hot discussion 嘅回應 - 萬二分抱歉我哋負責寫嗰個人有D腦殘唔識打中文:


First of all, please accept our apologies that we have not been able to carry out this task to perfection. We have done our best in the circumstances and next time we will be more than happy to step aside for someone else who are more able.

We have been following the discussions in the various chat groups and are aware of the concerns and comments raised until the submission of the final wording to Apple Daily. Given the volume of the messages we are unable to respond to every one of them. We would like to explain our decisions on coming up the final wording.

We understand that there has been a lot of discussions as to whether we should use 國家 or 中國. The chief concern is that given the risks of someone trying to extrapolate and take things out of concern, thus making “accusations” that this is a separatist effort. It would not be prudent for us not to take into account and to expose others to such risks, especially La Salle’s name is involved and the statement is to be published on Apple Daily, which has already been a target. We have therefore decided to take a more conservative approach. By the same token, some of the proposed hashtags have not been included in this statement.

We also bear in mind that this statement would reach a lot of non-Lasallians, therefore we believe that the meanings of the hashtags should be comprehensible to those people.

We have taken on board the comments about the hashtags, i.e. some people want hashtags and some do not: we have worked with the designers and there are two versions of the statement, one to be published on Page A1 of Apple Daily, and the other to be circulated online / via social media.

We have deliberated on the above issues and we did not make our decisions lightly; we made our attempt to balance different opinions while not leveraging on La Salle’s name to represent people across the political spectrum.

We hope you would understand that we are a small working group racing against a very tight timeframe, and that you would bear with our shortcomings.



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