Jan 06, 2020 at 03:49 am

RE: Short 3 minute prayer last night.. sent a HUGE temp drop & Small rainfall!

Update posted by Lianne Britten

Dear followers..


Prayers for a few days respite have been answered. Bega's temp dropped from 42C to 12C overnight. We received 2 mls rain (nothing but better than nothing) and the temperature drop has lowered the immediate intense and catastrophic fire danger for a few days at least.

we are so grateful for your thoughts and prayers and hope to implement another pan-religion 3 minute prayer Friday as the temps are forecast again to increase.

At this time we can sleep a little better in the cooler temps and take advantage of the slim respite.

The Ash clouds and residue is hard to believe (inches thick) and air quality continues to be horrendous, Canberra is suffering the WORST air quality in the world ongoing.

I again caution you that we cannot think this is over. The fire is not over. Summer is not over and if we get rains, especially big rains, water contamination and destruction will be terrible given the lack of trees and forestation to hold the land in (runoff of and erosion of soil will be INTENSE unless small soft rains brings some small green growth of grass to hold the soil) and the contamination from the huge losses of wildlife and stock will be .. well let's just say it could lead to truly horrible outcomes.

So keep praying. Soft gentle rain, slow, no wind, no lightning, cooler temps and better air quality.

With gratitude


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