Dec 24, 2019 at 03:18 am

Year End Update

Update posted by Sani Eldarwish

Dear Friends and Family,

While everything goes into slow motion in the world as the end of the year approaches, we are still doing our best to keep on top of our campaign. Thanks to a generous anonymous donor's contribution of $1,000 we are now at $4,330, nearly half way to our goal. We have solicited a third estimate from an architect, sticking ardently to our policy of spending wisely. In a month our campaign page has had 336 views resulting in 30 contributors. Once again thank you to everyone that made the effort to give the gift of caring for our abandoned elderly. Age catches up with all of us indiscriminately. Outside this campaign we made the effort to boost their spirits with some Christmas gifts of bingo, loteria, pickup sticks, casino and dominoes. Attached is a photo of Don Jose-Luis, the resident dominoes champ who will teach me the finer points of the game when I visit with them in the New Year. Also in addition to our campaign effort, having found the home freezing cold (no heating) we bought them a bunch of new heating units online and had them delivered lickety split (thank you Amazon). Now, hopefully, they'll have more warmth over Christmas, both emotionally and physically. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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