Jul 11, 2019 at 07:26 am

Success! Thank you for all your prayers and support.

Update posted by Mappet Catilo Walker

Dear Friends,

Yesterday’s angiogram and angioplasty was a success! Mrs. Yogi’s doctor thinks she will possibly be going home tomorrow. She is not totally out of the woods yet. She has pneumonia that needs to be managed at home.

Please continue the prayers, financial assistance and sharing to spread the news. With your support, we have 16 backers, we raised P98,500 in two days and we have been viewed 1599 times.

We keep storming the heavens in prayer for all the blessings. We remain forever grateful for all your generosity. We wish you continued health, happiness and blessings.

Sincerely yours,

Family and friends of Mrs. Yogi

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