Jul 28, 2019 at 02:33 am


Update posted by Gino Buenaventura

07.28.2019 - Gino

Last day of antibiotic and Prep for tomorrow 3rd chemo session. This time hopefully we get to stay only for chemo and nothing else

07.22.2019 - Gino

Flying to singapore to settle some stuff. It is hard to go away at her state. But this has to be done. Thank you for the prayers and support. We still have a long way to go and we've only just begun. Hoping that there can soon be a consiatent order in our lives.

How is she? Her Lower body is still paralyzed, getting mood swings, always sleepy, bed sore and weak.

07.20.2019 - Gino
Finally able to go home. Love's WBC has normalized. She is weak but recovering. Her antibiotics has to he continued home thruogh IV. 15 days interval on session feels short. Thank you Phia for administering her meds.

07.17. 2019: - Gino
What was supposedly 3 days of chemo had turn into a 6 days admittance. Due to low WBC Love's immune went down. Temp went up and tests had to be performed. It's E-coli. Somehow it persisted. So we have to stay 3 more days.

07.16.2019: Gino

2nd session of 1st cycle for COLON CA STG4. Please continue praying for her. Pray that she can overcome any side effects of the meds.

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