Apr 16, 2019 at 12:49 pm


Update posted by Anne Nicolas

Hi, earlier today Goldie took a dewormer again. I've noticed that she's still a bit bloated sometimes especially after eating and made her drink the medicine that the vet gave her previously. She's better now. She's very active and she also eats a LOT. Part of it may be because she still has a few worms in her belly. Don't worry, I'm keeping a close eye on her to monitor if her behavior changes. I still have a bit of money left from this campaign in case of emergency and as budget for her needs this summer (I don't have monthly allowance my parents just gives me money everytime I go to school). But I am currently working on some things I plan to sell online! As I told you I plan on opening up an etsy shop, well, I still haven't opened a shop because I'm still working on it. But I am making homemade watercolor sketchbooks or journals right now that I plan to sell locally! It's a bit easier because I have someone I know who sells on that website (shopee) so I can ask for help. It is really tough finding an extra job or even getting paid by doing errands here in our country. Most jobs are for males (yes, that's who they're looking for) and people of the legal age which is 18, but I'm still sixteen so... it's really tough. We don't even have people we know who are looking for part-timers. So right now, I'm doing my best based of what I can do. I rushed to make this campaign at that time because Goldie's condition was very alarming and sudden. But now I am doing my best to be prepared next time.

Also, I'm sorry I'm having troubles updating, as I've said in a past update our internet connection has been cut off and it's harder to update here let alone on youtube. I'll keep this campaign running just until Goldie's condition becomes more stable. Thank you very much to all who supported and cared for us. I'll try to upload a thank you video once everything becomes calmer.

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