Dec 27, 2018 at 02:14 pm

Blessings and Rollercoasters....ARE YOU WITH ME??

Update posted by Marlize van der Merwe

It’s been 29 days since the start of this campaign. Wow and has the last 29 days been a mixture of blessings and roller coasters! I’ve had days filled with joy, days of thankfulness, days of tears, days of desperation and despondency. But through it all I have grown and learned so much!

I can honestly look back over the last 29 days and thank Yahweh with everything that is within me for the most amazing journey it has been so far! And today, on day 29 He really came and changed everything!

You see, I kind of had this idea that I am being obedient, I will do this challenge and then carry on with my life. I obviously prayed that Yahweh will really bless this challenge and that it will enable Yosef and Aliyah to go out and do what they were called to do. So they would be on their way and I would be able to relax and work through my own experiences and all the emotions this challenge has stirred up in me.

Not true!! Earlier this week a dear friend recommended a documentary to me called “Ladies First” and it opened a whole new world for me. It really stopped me in my tracks and had me in tears long after I finished watching it….the seed was planted! So I started reading up a bit and watched a couple more documentaries.

I have prayed so many times and asked Yahweh to break my heart for what breaks His”. Sometimes we don’t realize what we ask! Today my heart is breaking for all the child brides, all the sexually abused, all the forgotten, the untouchables, the not good enough. The voiceless….those who do not even know that they have a voice…that what is happening to them is not normal…those held captive by tradition, etc that does not even know that they were destined for so much more! Those living a horrific life without Yeshua.

I read an article Aliyah wrote this afternoon and it really just shattered the already broken pieces of my heart and fired me up to want to do so much more! And now I know. I will never stop, I will continue to do anything humanly possible to raise funds and to enable her and Yosef to go out and to truly take the “good news” to all the nations, to go and make disciples and to break the cycles through the anointing and power of Yahweh that flows through their ministry!! To go and proclaim His freedom, healing, restoration, forgiveness to all!

I will no longer just sit still and just wait for someone else to get up and do something! I will no longer turn my back on the broken, the lost, the abused, the raped, the forgotten, the untouchables, etc….they could’ve been you or me….they could’ve been me, my brother, sister, father, mother, son, daughter, niece, nephew, etc!

To quote Aliyah: “We can fight to change traditions. We can raise awareness, write articles, and use our gifts to bring that change. We can pray warrior prayers for hurting souls and live out an active faith that seeks justice for women."

” You can read the full article here:

For more of her articles:

I believe that justice for women will only come once we have true men of Yahweh as well! And I will fight for all these lost and broken men, women and kids who are living without Yeshua in any way I can! Right now all I can do is raise funds and pray and that is what I will continue doing until Yahweh instructs me otherwise.

So come on people…ARE YOU WITH ME?? Let’s make a difference and save some lives!! If all you have is $1 to give then Yahweh still sees your heart and He will multiply that $1!!

Love in Yeshua,


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