Dec 07, 2018 at 12:03 pm

The Gift of Life

Update posted by Marlize van der Merwe

With only two days to go before my birthday I am actually really excited! Although this campaign is not only limited to the actual day of my birth, I pray that Yahweh will truly work in the hearts of many to open up their hearts and wallets to give to this campaign and that it will be a record day! I would also like to thank everyone who has contributed thus far, I pray that Yahweh will truly bless you in every aspect of your life for your generous blessings! You truly have made a difference in His Kingdom and lives will be touched thanks to your seed!

May I please share a bit of my day with you? This morning when I went to donate blood (I am a regular donor) I got this nifty gym towel complete with a zipped compartment for keys, etc. I jokingly told the lady assisting me that it feels like I get something every time I go to donate!

I have the habit of praying for the individuals who will be receiving my blood, for Yahweh to meet with them if they don't know Him, for positive change in their lives, for deeper relationship with Him. Since it's called the "gift of life" I decided a while ago that this would be what I pray every time I go to donate...for life in Yahweh for the recipient. It got me thinking though...I actually got "rewarded" today for "giving the gift of life", for giving my "blood that can save lives".

Yesterday I got rewarded for putting fuel in my car, the day before that for buying my vitamins, etc at a certain outlet. Everything is about rewards these days and we have more rewards cards in our wallets than money some days!

The only place where we don't have "reward cards" and do not get "tangible rewards or gifts" with every handing over of money is in His Kingdom! Pondering this I couldn't help but wonder if this is why so many struggle to give? Surely it cannot be? Matt 6:20-21 clearly states "but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal, for where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also". Even though every single thing we do here on earth counts, we are just passing through...what comes next is what really matters. The sad reality though is that we focus so much on the right here, right now that we lose focus and one day you realize that the investment that really matters, the one you've made in heaven leaves much to be desired!

Don't get me wrong, this is not why I am doing this challenge. I am doing this out of obedience and I am doing this with the knowledge that if only one life gets changed, healed and saved for His Kingdom through this, we would have made a difference! So I'd like each of us to ask ourselves...where is our treasure? Where is our focus? Like I've said before, we cannot all be a Yosef or Aliyah, but we can sow into their ministry and enable them to go out and make disciples and change lives through Yahweh! Do we Love Him Enough though?

Love in Yeshua


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