Sep 04, 2018 at 04:50 pm

Finally discharged after 30 days

Update posted by Mary Darlene Gonzales

#LabanJames #day30

The past 30 days had been a topsy-turvy ride! Amidst all the fear, confusion & frustrations only one thing got us through - PRAYER! No matter how hard the situation is we believe that God will hear and answer our prayers. His mercy and compassion endures! Never lose HOPE and just Hold On because Pain Ends. LO & BEHOLD, how great is our God because today victory is won!

With a grateful heart, filled with so much joy of praise and thanksgiving for his miraculous healing, we THANK YOU LORD for giving James a second chance in life. We bless your Most Holy Name for today you have delivered him from all the pain. Thank you for the strength that empowered him to overcome this trial. And we continue to pray that you will lead him to full recovery as we take each day at a time knowing that for all that lies ahead you will be with us our Greatest Doctor, the Healer of all!

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who have been with us since day 1. To all of you who have given spiritual, moral & financial support THANK YOU SO MUCH! God bless you a thousand-fold in return for the goodness you have extended to James and the whole family. We are so overwhelmed by your outpouring kindness during the past 30 days. True enough, God sends his angels in times of need. MADAMO GID NGA SALAMAT 🙏🏻❤️

#Discharged #OutPatient


1) To continue home medication and return for doctor’s followup check-ups.

2) Status of the stone in the bile duct - doctor advised that the lifespan of the stent placed during ERCP is 3-6 months, it has to be determined whether in time the stone can be removed thru another round of ERCP or by an operation this time.

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