Jul 29, 2018 at 10:49 pm

A Faith Statement

Update posted by Thomas Ackerman

Without attempting to get into every doctrine, I include this statement of faith to let you know I accept orthodox Christian theology, from the Protestant arena

The Bible is the word of the living God, and is infallible and inerrant in its autographs

God is by nature spirit, is omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, immutable and infinite in glory

God has made all creation ex nihilo, and is distinct from His creation

God is perfectly one in His nature and exists eternally in three Persons, the Father, Son and Spirit. They coexist and commune eternally and are equal in glory.

Mankind through his fall is alienated from God, suffering death, the moral corruption of his nature and being under condemnation of the Almighty

God became incarnate in the womb of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit

Jesus the Messiah is fully human and fully God

Jesus lived a sinless life and died on the cross as an atoning death for man’s sin

Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, appeared to His disciples and to the multitudes and ascended into heaven

Jesus is the only way to the Father, not one of many ways

The Holy Spirit dwells in the believer in Christ, leading him in truth and sanctifying him

Repentance from sin must come together with faith in Jesus

The dead will be raised, both the just and the unjust, before the final judgment of mankind

The Lord Jesus will return again in glory to judge both the living and the dead

The soul will reside eternally either in heaven or in hell

Moreover, the moral law has not changed, either in the prohibition of sodomy or the nature of marriage being one man and one woman for life.

While I respect other historical views, my understanding of the working of God’s grace is Reformed.

Note: These portions have been edited, but not necessarily a final edit, so the book version may be slightly different.

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