Oct 09, 2018 at 08:45 am

Pneumonia, heart condition, hospital stay

Update posted by Angelo Racoma

We would again like to seek some help, in terms of contributions and social shares (hoping this reaches the right people).

Since Friday, Caren has been admitted at the hospital being treated for pneumonia, and doctors have found that she now has a drug-induced heart condition, which they are trying to manage (due to the chemo and targeted drugs Herceptin and Doxorubicin, which are notorious for some heart-related side effects) -- congestive heart failure, and cardiomyopathy.

Unfortunately, I could not stay with her, as I am managing work, the kids, and household as well, so I try to drop by when I can.

Hopefully she can get discharged within the week, once infection is addressed and the heart condition improves.

Would appreciate any support you can send her way, in terms of prayers, words, contributions or social shares!

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