Jul 21, 2018 at 02:30 pm

Paintings for Rory

Update posted by Hillary Marie Ratilla

Painting is something Rory usually turns to especially on difficult days. Her room has turned into a some sort of studio- with brushes and papers lying around and traces of paint splatters on the floor and walls. Some of her works are then hanged on the walls. She does not consider herself as an expert but she sees painting as way to cope.

The projected medical expenses will be pricey which is why we decided to put some of her work to auction, with her consent. The "Paintings by Rory" auction is organized by Rory's best friend, Keziah Agripo. Please visit this link:

Paintings by Rory

We already made it to 20% of the target amount. We thank all our donors for their help! Please help us raise more for Rory by sharing.

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