Apr 01, 2018 at 01:37 pm

Easter update!

Update posted by Julia Peterson

He is Risen! The Board of Mission of Hope Rotifunk Hospital wish you all a wonderful Easter. Hope is alive thanks to the sacrificial love of the risen Christ. A shipping container of food and school supplies that we sent over to Rotifunk a couple of months ago has arrived to the Hospital and our mission team will be helping distribute the supplies when they arrive in Rotifunk next week! While they are there, they will also send us an update on the impact of the fire. Please pray for safe travel and good health for the team as they make the journey and during their time there. Although we haven't yet raised enough funds to rebuild, we are hopeful that it will be possible to start the process soon. Please continue to post and share! All the funds through this campaign will be used to build living quarters for the staff and visiting medical team members and furnishings. If you want to donate to other hospital needs or would like to help us improve the health and living conditions of the people of that area, head over to our website, www.rotifunk.org or like us on Facebook. We cherish your prayers and support.

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