Feb 09, 2018 at 01:18 am

Water Limit

Update posted by Zee Sta Barbara

'Water is the driving force of all nature.' - Leonardo da Vinci

I'm allowed 1.5 liters of water per day - no more no less. Just like how strict my diet is, so is my fluid intake. I must not drink less than 1. 5 liters or I will get dehydrated and my creatinine levels will rise up and thus harming my kidneys. I must not drink more than 1.5 or I will get swollen (either my legs and feet or it's my eyes that swell up looking like as if it's just some hideous eyebags. ) the computation includes any soup I might have.
I don't drink any sodas, energy drinks, juice (fresh and powdered), iced tea, tea or coffee so it's pretty much just water all day everyday. There are only some special exceptions, like a cup of freshly squeezed calamansi (without sugar but with sweetener) or a cup of pure black decaf coffee (I'm only allowed that much per day) but I deduct those drinks from my 1.5 liters allowance. 1.5 liters is equals to 6 cups or glasses of 250 ml.
The bottle in this picture contains 500 ml so my limit would be only 3pcs of that. (I'm no endorser of Summit, but I'm open for negotiation for contract signing. Haha! Kidding.)

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Account Name: Maria ZIllah Sta. Barbara
Account number: 004660231987
Type: Savings
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God bless you all!

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