Feb 07, 2018 at 02:08 am

Kidney Uremia

Update posted by Zee Sta Barbara


I just wanted to share about Kidney Uremia.

I often feel so cold and chilly. Sometimes my teeth would chatter too even in a "normal" room temperature, also even when every one else around me would feel just fine.

During one of my check ups with my nephrologist (kidney doctor) he confirmed that this is due to my kidney failure, and not merely because I have low immunity due to diabetes and such. He said he it is due to Kidney Uremia, on top of my Anemia that is due to my Kidney Failure as well.

According to this source, I certainly have this symptom.

Symptom 8: Feeling Cold

Accumulation of uremic wastes can cause decreased core body temperature (hypothermia). People have difficulty tolerating cold winter months. Also anemia related to kidney failure can make you feel cold all the time, even in a warm room.

So, if you would see me, you would usually see me with jackets and long sleeves - all covered up! Yet, I still, I try to do it with style, of course.

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