Feb 20, 2018 at 03:04 am


Update posted by Sarah Morgan

Well unfortunately Todds time home was cut short, he was only able to be home for a couple days and had to be taken by ambulance back to the hospital. He has been here in ICU for a few days now, and at this point the news is probably more grim than anything. The cancer is now forming fluid in his only lung. And his consistant bouts appear to be him having an allergic reaction to the chemo/immuno. At this point they are not able to get him strong enough to go through treatment regimines and the combo they had started was what would be the best for his type anyways. So unfortunately it is appearing more and more the discussion is shifting more to a comfort care then a treatment care. I am not really sure of much more than that. He has been a little delerious from all of the meds they have been having to put him on, but the time I have and have had with him is a gift that I will never forget.

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