Sep 11, 2017 at 12:05 pm

Liv's update: 11 Sep

Update posted by Jenni Boyce

Dear Team Ben x

Our visit with Ben this morning was so uplifting! Our little hero is breaking all the rules with the rate of his progress.
He gives us giant crooked smiles when we joke with him 😀
His Physio told us that he also had a big cry today during some of the less pleasant exercises - which although seems heartbreaking, is actually great news in terms of his registering pain and discomfort.
Today will be day for of his Plasma Transfusion - which means we are at the half way mark with that.
Our legendary neurologist is still fighting with Discovery to cover the enormous costs of these procedures - we will keep you updated on how that goes.
The Paypal issues have been resolved from our side and it should be back up and running today. Please do get in touch if you have any hassles.
The main thing remains the daily progress our little warrior is making - we are certain this comes from all your love x x x
Sending love to you and all your families xxxxx

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