Jan 25, 2017 at 05:27 pm

Getting Mum and Dads sterilised.

Update posted by Fran Moulder

Hi Everyone who has been following the '13 Bundles' story. Today Bunda and Jobi returned from the Vets after being sterilised. Bunda, although feral, was reasonably ok to handle and Millo was even able to stroke her for the first time today, since she first wandered on to his land about 9 months ago! That feels like a great leap forward.

Jobi as always was Mr Cool and was very happy to get a bone.

Tai, the last remaining pup to be rehomed, is very happy to see Mum and Dad return home.

Now, we need to find a loving home for Tai, who is such a sweetheart and in a few days will be taking Willy for his operation.

Thank you all so much for all your support throughout the last 5 months!

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