Oct 16, 2016 at 11:31 pm

Updates for the past week... Everything is awesome!

Update posted by Jewel Kamille Claravall

Hello everyine! I'm so excited to share with you the last week's updates for our preparations :)

Our challenge this past week is thinking of the people we can tap to help us. Our wedding date is after Christmas and most of the people are on holiday vacation.

We talked to the pastor that we want to officiate our wedding. He said most probably he's not on vacation and will be available. We're just waiting for a confirmation this week.

Also, since we're really low on budget, we're really thankful for those who pledged to help us even in works :)

We had a meeting with our student friends in the school I used to work in and amazingly, they are as excited as us for the preparation. Some offered to be in charge of the program, tech, and some are doing the photography.

The preparation is getting more and more exciting as more of our closest friends get involved :)

God is really amazing. We don't have any cash on hand for the past month but more than half of our checklist are already with a check mark.

Please keep on praying with us as we go through this amazing challenge :)

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