Mar 12, 2016 at 01:41 pm

It has been an exciting week! The fundraising is in full swing

Update posted by Ed Hawkins

What a great week we are having with our campaign! We have had almost 200 visitors to our campaign -- woo hoo!!!! In addition, several folks have shared out our campaign through other sites such as Facebook, Nextdoor, and I think Twitter. We are SO grateful to all of you who are showing your support. Whether it is checking out our campaign, following us on gogetfunding, or making a means a great deal to our community.

In addition, we have now raised $120 towards the cause. That is most definitely a great start. Whether your donation is $5, $50, or $500, it will go a LONG way to expanding the availability of art in our community by giving people the chance to explore pottery and play in the mud :)

Thanks to all of you, and please follow our campaign so you can get the latest updates on our progress.

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