Apr 30, 2014 at 04:45 pm


Update posted by Tim Yusuf

My name is Tim Yusuf and I’m a film director/writer/editor. I’m currently based in Toronto but from NYC. I’m trying to fund a long form music video on 16 mm Kodak film. This is to achieve a very specific contrast and look.


The short music/video film, “The Stairwell” is a horror/thriller, which will have a running time of 25 – 30 minutes. You can watch the original 3-minute music video I shot of the concept on a digital camera - 60D Canon right here:




I also shot a 6 minute short film called “One’s Good Deed” that’s in the mystery/horror genre. I’ve included that here so you can see an example of past work if you choose. You can watch that here:




As you can see in the “Stairwell” video, we have a really good concept that we’d like to expand with more story and plot using various songs. If you like what you see and hear, I would LOVE your support! I’m an independent artist and I created this concept with a small team/crew. We’re in this for the love of the craft., and are eager to put our time, heart and souls into creating this new project.


As you can hear on the original we used Portishead’s “We Carry On.” Just to note, we will absolutely obtain permission to use the tracks selected and we already know exactly how much we’ll need to pay for that.


This is what we need and what you’ll get. As we don’t have a film production company or record label funding the project, we’ll need your support in achieving our goal!


I know that I can make this film for a total of $7,500. We still need $2,000 to meet our fundraising goal. This goes to the film crew who make this a smooth shoot, plus equipment fees, film stock and film lab processing.


I had indicated an error on my part earlier this week in not having funds raised from friends and family done through crowdsourcing. This would most likely have helped generate far more interest. However to reverse that would now be far too complicated.


With your kind donations, you’ll be a part of fulfilling the dream of a handful of passionate independent artists create something incredible. You’ll make our dream a reality, while supporting an incredible project!


To show our appreciation for your donations, we believe you should be rewarded for supporting us. We very recently revised the Rewards Section. You can receive an autographed DVD, Facebook shout outs; free digital downloads of both the new music video project/film and my first short “One’s Good Deed.” Please check out the new Rewards section!


Although I’ve only done very small budget a short film (for $200) and a music video ($150) I’m still just beginning my career. Therefore this upcoming project means the world to me as it will allow more people to see my work and get my name out there! I’m really hoping in these final few days of the campaign that I can still get people excited about this film project and attract new followers in the making! I truly believe you’ll all enjoy the finished film!



Thank you for taking the time to see more of what this is all about. There are also other ways you can help too. I know that times are tough for many, but any donations are greatly appreciated. Every little bit helps! Whether you can donate or not, you can still SPREAD THE WORD! Please tell your friends, friends of friends, siblings, half siblings, stepsiblings, parent, stepparents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins twice removed, EVERYONE! You can spread the love on Twitter and Facebook using the tools listed here on the   gogetfunding.com   site!



Thank you again!


Tim Yusuf + Crew

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