Apr 24, 2013 at 09:54 pm

All Over The Map Searching For Home

Update posted by elanobrien

The last couple of weeks have been bouncing between a few different realities.  There have been many moments where Adagio continued to be truly panicked.  Then there have been moments of quiet and still, bonding.  The steps are not progressive.....some days three steps forward, and the next, 5 steps back.  However, given what Adagio has walked, this is but a moment in time.  I am trying to be patient and lovingly unattached.  Unfortunately the equine dentist was delayed due to a family emergency.  I have learned that with inbalances in the teeth and jaw, the entire nervous system is impacted, and the sympathetic nervous system remains switched on.  Here's hoping the equine dentist makes the May 1 appointment, and that the work gives Adagio a further element of peace.

Adagio remains brave of heart, and continues to get stronger, with some levels of weight gain.  Still a long way to go, but he is eating well, and loving the spring grass

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