Sep 16, 2013 at 03:02 am

Sorry I haven't updated on here yet!

Update posted by Jessica B

Hey everyone! Lestat officially finished his second round of antibiotics today! He has still been eating wet cat food along with dry food that he supplements throghout the day. He is still having tummy issues and a lot of diarrhea, which he is now associating the litter box with pain or discomfort and will go potty next to it....which def. causes some issues since our dog likes to try to "clean it up" for us if we aren't quick enough. He has been acting pretty lethargic again the past few days so I am not sure if he is getting sick again or if there is another underlying issue going on. He tends to get extremely cuddly and wanting attention when either he is getting sick or I am getting sick (which starting Sat. evening I felt like I was coming down with something and def was sick all day Sun.) So I will keep an eye on him the next few days and see if he improves or not. Still trying to raise funds so I can get him back into the vet for another round of bloodwork to make sure the infection is gone now. Thank you to everyone who has helped out, and who has taken the time to share this event on various social media sites! I can't express in words how grateful I am!    To anyone who may be reading this and notice that the amount is $0 raised at this time it is because I didn't have a chance to extend the time on the last campaign before it expired. I did add all the updates that were on the last one into the main description of this one, which made it a very LONG description.

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