Sep 05, 2013 at 09:07 pm

9/5/2013 Nerves, Prayers & waiting

Update posted by sumerset

Well I got a phone message form specialist today while I was at work and couldn't reach her back,  so left a message. Will try to catch her at 6am our time to speak to her to find out why she was calling.....message was uninformative

Hopefully its an update they are reviewing things still ...or....Just maybe another paperwork .... or....Maybe actually a word on some type of a modification plan they have decided we are eligable for...

My thoughts are in prayer to make ot through tonight and actually get some sleep. I worrry  that the lower sumertime hours could affect the decision and not having the first cheque from the school district until Oct when school started in Aug (never seem to think it was end of month) didn't set welll withthe underwriter last year.

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