May 30, 2013 at 12:51 am

Please help us

Update posted by Amoni B VP Model-Entrepreneur

Can you help our dreams come true and the lives of others change dramatically. Though me and my sister are a product of our parents, we refuse to be a product of our negative environments. Both of us crave to help others while gaining financial stability in our own lives. 

We have put together a script that puts some of our experiences together with virtual/overdramatic circumstances and outcomes. We hope to turn our script into a movie. While filming we hope to help support other independent and aspiring professionals (ie: actors/actresses, musical talent (songs played), camera and backstage crew etc.). We hope to have a community backing us so that we can give back to all communities, especially the underdogs.

We currently have a budget of $50 and are looking to expand that in order to give stipends to those on the project as well as put financials into our project and eventually incorporate so that we can continue doing things of this nature as well as helping and educating the masses.

We both have experience in being social responsible as well as taking much part in the entertainment industry. Though we both have years in performing the arts and being behind the scenes, my sister London has went to NY Film Academy.

We really need your help. We are asking for donations of all kinds including volunteering your time if you feel this project is worthy.

Please like and share & help us help those around us.

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