Jul 24, 2015 at 04:06 am

A Party and a Set Back

Update posted by Brenda Gordon


A collective sigh of relief went though everyone at Pack N Pounce when we found out that the Parvo test came out NEGATIVE! Yeah!

Sadly, we do have a set back. One of the puppies has pneumonia. She will be staying at the vet's office until she is cleared with a clean bill of health. A huge thank you goes to the foster who watched her all night, checking her breathing and stimulating her when she seemed to have a hard time, while waiting for the vet to become available. All the puppies are now on antibiotics, but only the one is in need of 24 hour care. Unfortunately, it does increase our expected expense.

Please remember that your generous donations go directly to the care and needs of the pets.

Thank you in advance.

The Pets and Volunteers of Pack N Pounce Animal Rescue

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