Apr 04, 2015 at 09:11 am

Made the move

Update posted by kamcbrair

We have made the move to our new digs! (Many, MANY thanks to Mark and Pastor Tom, who put us in touch.)  Thanks also to Shirley, who enabled phone and internet connection so I can start seeking new transcription work.  Thanks to Myland, the rent got paid, and Emma got dog food, delivered yesterday.  Thanks to Pastor Nancy, we have paper products and dish soap.  Thanks to connections through my health clinic, we got a dresser, a small TV, and a bed frame and box spring -- I'm sure we'll eventually find a mattress.  We are camping out on the floor, but we are camped out on the floor in our own place and basking in the quiet.  Emma is immensely enjoying a more relaxed mom and having the freedom to move about the whole place.  As the saying goes, one door has closed, but more than one has opened, and the positivity has lifted my spirits. 

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