Feb 25, 2013 at 10:33 pm


Update posted by Lori

Hey Everyone, 

I just want to first of all thank everyone for your generous donations, whether it be $1 or $100, any amount helps and I am amazed that so many people have lended a hand. I also want to thank everyone who helped spread the word, even if you are unable to donate, getting Sadie's story out there is just as important.

As for Sadie, she is not doing well at all today but from seeing the outcome of this fundraiser my hopes are very high. Now that we have some money to be able to care for Sadie, we found a new neurologist to bring her to which we are seeing tomorrow morning. We hope she has better news and answers which is most important. So all your donations and help have led us to be able to bring her to a better doctor (hopefully!) so she can receive the care she needs.

Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart, and Sadie's heart. We are eternally grateful for all the support everyone has shown. You have made a HUGE impact on our lives.

-L & S

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