Billie the Cat’s Surgery

Fundraising campaign by Jasmine Baksh
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Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this. This campaign is to help raise money for Billie the Cat's surgery. Billie needs to be hospitalized and requires surgery. Unfortunately, Billie ate something that has caused an obstruction in his intestines, and he needs surgery to remove this obstruction. He hasn't eaten food since May 17, 2017, because his stomach is so upset, he is unable to eat. He does drink water sparingly. The veterinarian has said that he doesn't have long to live if he doesn't receive the surgery. A cat can survive up to a week without food if the cat drinks water. So hopefully we have a few days to raise this money so that Billie gets the care he needs to live. Please donate whatever you can, so Billie the Cat can receive the care he deserves. Thank you.

Backstory: Billie was born into a home where he was neglected and abused, but after bringing him to our home, he has become more social and happy. He loves to go outside and watch the birds, and sit in the sunshine. He has even taken on the role of protecting and caring for the other cats and kittens we brought home to take care of. Billie is only three years old, he deserves to live his life to the fullest. Please be a part of helping him live that happy and full life.


  • Jasmine Baksh
  • Campaign Owner

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