Big Sky Farms

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I didn't know if this belongs in Family or Community, because this Startup shares a close relationship with Family and Community and so much more.

When people ask what I do, I'm proud to tell them I'm a farmer. I learned from my Grandparents who learned from theirs, all the way back to the Fields of California to the Dust Bowl of Oklahoma to the River bottoms of Arkansas and stretching all the way back to the late 1600's in the Hudson Bay.  

Farming and growing food is in my DNA, it is the only thing that centers me to this Earth. Besides my Faith. And both my faith and my farming have been tried and tested very harskly this past year and a half. I was living in Yarnell, Arizona until last July when a wildfire broke out. It was called  the Yarnell Hill Fire, one of the worst wildfire disasters since the 1930's. In the blaze about 10,000 acres were destroyed, over 130 homes were lost and 19 firefighters died. More firefighters died in my hometown than in New York during 9/11.  

My home and property were completely consumed in the blaze. I lost everything I owned. EVERYTHING. I had only been there 3 months, it was the home of my dreams and I spent nearly all of my money to get into it. I planted enough crops to feed me and my family and many others. And it was destroyed in an instant. The worst part was that I didn't have any insurance policy yet since I had spent my savings and never expected something so tragic to happen so fast.

I'm in my late 20's. Over the past year and a half People have said it'll be easy for me to start over " you're young" they say. But when you lose literally everything except the clothes on your back, life isn't easy... It's shocking and tragic and heartbreaking. After the fire, I left my home state of 21+ years and went to Colorado. I lived on the streets for a while and I made my way one meal at a time. I eventually got work lanscaping and made lots of good friends. But still, I've been away from growing crops for too long and I haven't been able to get started again how I'd like.

I have land in my sights and just need the funding to go forward and realize my dream once more to plant food and medicine for me and my community and ultimately my country and eventually other countries. I can accomplish this task, I've done it befor and I'll do it again. I sure could use some help this time around though. Ultimately I need to raise about $15,000 to buy my land, truck and farm tools and supplies. But I set no limit, because every dollar helps. So here I am.  

If you have any questions or comments, please contact me. I left out lots of details and many parts of my story. There's a whole lot more you wouldn't even believe that I've seen. I've never tried this before so let's see what happens.  

I'm grateful for your time and any support you can offer.  


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