Be the change you want to see in world

Fundraising campaign by Ruza Havrlisan
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    raised of £20,000.00 goal goal
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Do you ever feel like you want a fresh start? If you could go back in time to change the things you did or didn't do. If a person tells you that you are the wheel that is missing and that you could make someone start all over again, would you believe it? So, why is it so hard to start fresh? For me, it's my financial situation. I have finished my university and for almost a year, I am struggling to find a job. If you know about Croatia, you also know that this isn't something strange. People spend a lot of money they don't have for a degree and when that is done, they can't find a job to pay it off. I am one of four daughters, whos parents gave their skin and bones to have opportunities like every child should have. My father was employed and with that one salary, he gave his life (and I mean it literally) so we could have proper education and life. I live in a small village with my mother and Sister. My father had passed away 4 months ago after fighting for almost 9 years. I haven't heard my fathers voice for almost 9 years and I don't even remember how he sounded or looked like before he got sick. This home brings a lot of good memories, but also a lot of sad ones.. Hard ones. I am at home 24/7, helping my mother as much as I can, still looking for a job. I need to let go, to move out, to start with a job, to love, to laugh, to change, to be... I need a fresh start, I WANT a fresh start. So I am asking you, if you could help, would you?


  • Ruza Havrlisan
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of £20,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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