Assisted Frail Care For my Mommy

  • US$300.00
    raised of $5,000.00 goal goal
6% Funded
2 Donors
Raised offline: $167.00
Total: $467.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities

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Assisted Frail Care for my Mom,

I am desperately attempting to ask for help to raise funds for my mom who was diagnosed with Emphysema 5 years ago).

Up until now even though she receives a R2300 ($153 per month) income from the state, she needs to be moved to an assisted care facility as she is finding it difficult to walk short distances without being able to breath properly.

The state facility has an extremely long waiting list in our country and time I'm afraid is not on our side.

The cost of assisted Frail Care is R8500 per month ($570) for someone in her condition.

Our family consists of 4, My mom, My younger sister, my older sister and myself.

I had a thriving business until a client who owed my company R2.2 million Rand defaulted on payment.

Even though I had debtors insurance on my debtors book due to the default from the client and Covid the company had to liquidate in November last year as we could not afford the litigation to get judgement from court which was an insurance requirement.

Due to the sureties I signed I am now facing sequestration.

I have endured the following in the last 6 months:

- Liquidation of an 8 year successfull business,

- A divorce to a man who has not worked since

we got married and has not contributed

financially and still isnt

- 3 House moves

- Homeschool my child who suffers from Global

developmental delay

- Look after and afford my medical insurance as I

am a type 1 diabetic and my daughter needs

occupational, speech and play therapy which

medical insurance pays for half the year under

my allied therapuetic benefit,

- Look after my older sister who cannot find a job

due to Covid and worked for my company prior

to liquidation.

All whilst trying to now only work on commission and 3rd Covid Lockdown.

My younger sister works for a church who is paying for her studies to be a pastor and cannot financially assist. She currently resides at a boarding school and offers her services in return for free accommodation.

I have always done my best to help everyone I can when I was able to and now I just need a little help but I have no one to ask except for God who knows the struggles I have faced and continue to face daily.

I am not the kind of person who asks for help, I'm usually the one who helps and this has been a very difficult story to write to everyone out there who doesn't know me at all.

I know its a very difficult time for everyone and if you can spare anything toward my fundraiser to assist my family in giving my mom the minimum care she needs I would be eternally grateful.

I just need a little bit of time to get back onto my feet.



  • Sean Glasgow
  • Donated on Jul 03, 2021
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Jul 02, 2021
  • We know that every bit helps. Good luck, beyond the difficulties there is much light. Keep positive.


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Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Sean Glasgow
  • Donated on Jul 03, 2021
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Jul 02, 2021
  • We know that every bit helps. Good luck, beyond the difficulties there is much light. Keep positive.



Heather Scott

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Create support campaign
raised of $5,000.00 goal
6% Funded
2 Donors
Raised offline: $167.00
Total: $467.00

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities