Help maintain my son’s participation in gymnastics

Fundraising campaign by Christopher Wright
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We are a small family with one son my wife's child from her previous marriage and her parents who all reside in one house. My wife lives on a disability grant due to her mental illness, her son is fifteen has an anxiety disorder and stays at home during the day.

He does not attend school as he finds it difficult to concentrate and although we encouraged him to pursue other activities he didn't cope and discontinued. The only activity he has maintained since his childhood is gymnastics progressing substantially in the sport. Gymnastics assists him in many ways some are to keep fit, provides him with a social environment and ensures an avenue to pursue his dreams and goals - a vision for the future.

As he has progressed in the sport so have the fees and at present we are finding it difficult to support him with his dreams

I perform domestic and driving duties and as a result am unemployed. My adopted son needs a better future which we are having extreme difficulty providing and am reaching out for help in a hope that you could possible assist us. Every cent raised will be accounted for.

Any donation no matter the size will be greatly appreciated and will go a long way in aiding me to develop a sound financial future for him when his mother.


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