Assist our Family!

Fundraising campaign by Nehemia Fitzpatrick
  • US$0.00
    raised of $2,000.00 goal goal
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Good day, thank you for taking time to read this.I'm Nehemia Fitzpatrick from South Africa and a father of two children.I'm struggling to provide for my kids and desperately need help.

We need financial assistance because there's currently no active income in our household and depend solely on charity and it's a bitter sweet situation where we don't know where or when our next meal will come from.

I'm begging anyone reading this to have a heart and help us to survive this trying time, please support either through the smallest donation or sharing this campaign.

Please show some heart and assist our campaign, As a Christian i know that love will fuel your faith and do something humane to help, in the name of Jesus Christ our saviour.

God's blessings upon you,let the truth and Power of God's word effect the change my family needs,may you be instrumental manifesting that change as an instrument of God's omnipresent sovereignty.

Thank you, from one human to another.

Nehemia Fitzpatrick.


Hello, about me, I'm Nehemia Fitzpatrick, ethnicity/African, and age 38. I'm married with two children aged 16 and 11.

Hello, about me, I'm Nehemia Fitzpatrick, ethnicity/African, and age 38. I'm married with two children aged 16 and 11.

Feb 09

Don't give up,get up and try again.

Update posted by Nehemia Fitzpatrick at 10:45 am

Hi good day, sending good wishes and blessing filled prayers to all, don't forget to support our campaign as time is running out, support now!!

See update


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raised of $2,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities