Andrea’s Journey to wellness

Fundraising campaign by SAUNDERS
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Andrea is 23. She is young and beautiful and is a beloved daughter, niece, granddaughter and sister to a loving family. She has Lymphoma with a tumor behind her heart. Her chemo is nearly $400 per session, and as she is too ill to continue her job at Pathcare Labs ( testing blood samples) so she is battling to meet each of these payments for sessions. She does not have medical aid as she has recently come off her mother's medical aid ( her mom is a nurse and single mom). Over and above her chemo, she has to travel to see specialists and has to take various medication and follow a strict diet - all of which cost hugely. As a family we have done two fund raisers - using the talents and communities in each of our lives - to raise funds to assist her. A photographer has aucitioned off three of his art prints and my brother has done a concert ( he is a great musician). We have raised nearly USD6000 in total already, but we can see that these expenses will only get worse if we want to see her getting the best care. As a family and as a community who are forming a circle around her - we would like to see her funded in full to start her life as a well person. Please join this circle of people linked arm in arm.  


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