Airsoft enthusiast

Fundraising campaign by airsof
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I have been playing the sport if airsoft for several years, and I have been wanting to take it more seriously. I am exited for the fall season of the rising sport and I have most of the gear needed for the games, but I lack a very important aspect of airsoft. Airsoft is a semi dangerous military simulation sport and many people play it to train in fitness and in military skill and learning the basics on the battle field. I know it is very different being a soldier in the front lines and I respect that, but airsoft has similar gear and environments. Now that I am of age, and can play the sport at will, I need to persue my dream of being a navy seal and train with the sport. I also find it very fun and so do my friends. I have no money for the essential equipment so I beg you to please help me fund my expedition into this new and wonderful military based sport. Thank you and god bless.


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