A Second Chance In LIfe

Fundraising campaign by larry ortiz
  • US$0.00
    raised of $250,000.00 goal goal
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This campaign is for people and to help people for a second chance in life for a person that needs cloths, a car, a home, a medical bill paid a second chance to stop being homeless,for people to get off the streets change there lives for ever with your help and my help. i am one of these people that need help ive look for job great ive gotton interview but cant make it because i dont have a car i love to be the first to change that for a person thats doing the right thing but no help i like to end homelessness in the world and feed the hungry i like to put a smile on someone face that lost hope and bring back hope and change lives forever. all i ask its for help to be the first and go out there to real world and help rebuild i ask for the amount i ask for because its a start we all start from some were and build. i now what it is to be in the bottom and have no were to go i now what is to be in cold for 10 months with no food no help i am a living testament of that but its what i want to change we live in a world were i believe we all need a second chance with the right steps the right people with right reason. we all see that its a world that moves on money i wish it wasnt like that at all but it is there no real order because we have homeless people we people hungry we have people that could work but dont have a car or home we are all here to love one other and to help each other im hoping someone out there open there hearts and start this wounderfull campaign


  • larry ortiz
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $250,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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