A New Life to a Talented Child’s family

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We just started a charity "Birthday Fund" to raise funds to support talented children with poorer backgrounds in remote areas in Sri Lanka. Our concept is different and unique. We don't just give money for children's expences. We looked for a long term benefit from our donations for the whole family as a unit. So they will also be able to stand up proudly supporting the requirements of the whole family. We use an advanced vetting system to select the suitable children (doing studies well in schools, but don't get enough support as parents are poor), in remote areas and support their families introducing a self employment project to the parents. We also plan to give training and guidance to them to continue mostly using locally available resources. We are a 100% transparent charity. We publish and also send a report to our regualr donors all about the funds and activities. This includes the amount of money we raise, what we do with them, how we use the raised money totally for the benefit of those poorer but trying to get their kids study well. We urge kind-heartd, generous people to join hands together with us to eradicate poverty in those families. Our objective is clear. We are 100% transparent about funds. We have a long term benefit to families as well as to the whole country. Thank you.


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