A little goes a long way

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My dearest readers, I have created this campaign due to requiring help financially due to painful circumstances that I urgently and most humbly require help with. Let me share a bit if my story so you understand what this is for.

My life was going well i had just had my beautiful daughter who is now 8 years okd and i had a partner who made a decent income. I had oreviously owned a comoany and had planned to rebuild it as im a spiritualist and my main goal has always neen the same -to help others as many around the wirld as possible ehivh iv also done for free now for as ling as I remember asking nothing in return.

My life however took many drastic and unfortunate changes starting with the death if my father who was the only libing perdon i felt a real spiritual connection too wjo was my support, he was always there to guide me and was an inspiration so losing him was devastating. At the same time as the passing of my father, my ex partner & father of my child decided to leave me and my child and we were forced out if our spacious family home in a safe part of town (Something he vowed he would NEVER do to us also was forcing us into a council house due to the size and the fact we could end up anywhere and near dangerous people etc )and our only option was a council house as my mum and I arent close and she became even more estranged after the passing if my father so with no support and having very little tine given by by ex we reluctantly moved into a small council house in an average yet unpredictable area right across from a pub, it was soul destroying enough, then after only a couple of years my daughter ended up in hospital with the worst asthma attack yet wirse still it was on Christmas day and sge dudnt get to open her presents and because a friend took us and there was a lot of traffic social work put her to live with her father who hadn’t looked after her a day in his life and it was without ⚠️ warning he relayed this sad news as we exited the hospital and my child was inconsolable and i was so upset there is no words to express my feelings except for utter heartbreak....

So I went back to an empty house alone feeling absolutely broken. My 💔 spirit started to weaken with desoair for my life abd i became ill . My type one diabetes that I had developed during this awful time pkayed uo and somehow I develooed cysts on my leg that kead to me being rushed to hispitsl as it had metamorphosised into a flesh eating bacteria and a great portion of my leg had to be removed.

i didnt want to live a visit from my daughter made me realise i had to keep fighting, life been so hard but she needed me and thats all i knew. With determination to get better and restart my company so i could provide her with a better life. I had to get suc ooerations abd it still looks awful it has killed my self esteem and confidence and the whole set if circumstances has nearly killed me overall i feel total in despair.

I was naturally gifted spiritually from the age of 7& all iv wanted to do is restart ky company and work again doubg something i love abd something that really helos others world wide ( i have worked fir all the well known reputable companies and developed a great reputation for my gifts and even received gifts and becabe certified from the international society of clairvoyance which is a privilege however debt had began to develop abd dye to my health being di bad sbd being hospitalised not only has it just continued to build but I cant get my company up and running as everythibg i need to start it requires funds.

This us where you come in.

i have endured so much pain and suffering and i am facing a court case to get ky daughter back however because of the debt,my health and the state of my leg which has list feeling also my confidence is at an all time liw and i fear i will never get her back . Getting my company restarted would not only help me become independent again and able to get my leg operated on to fix the mess the nhs made, but it would help my daughter as she hates living with her father and it pains me to constantly see her upset.,Funding would help in so many ways from restarting my business, moving to a better house so that it looks and feels like a home fir my daughter and I which also look better to the courts, my teeth have suffered due to my diabetes and due to my leg operations I started losing so much weight and continue to do so with the stress i am under To succeed in various areas as i have stated but you would be helping people workd wide and restoring my daughters and my lives in do many wats I couldnt thank you enough so I pray with my heart and soul please please donate anything you can i put a small amount in the amount required to raise but that’s because i am so embarrassed by the concept if asking strangers for money but When I was better off I would give to charities constantly and help people with my gifts and therapy i learned for free ad i feel its important to pay it forward so I honestly and humbly beg you to search inside yourself and have empathy for my situation.

You are my only hope...

Please give what you can and by doing so please know you are also helping a child be with her mum again, totally transforming my life in wats you cant imagine however whoever donates will get pictures and notifications showing everything that you helped by being compassionate, caring&generous and your help will be shared with all I intend on helping too.

Thank you 🙏🏻 in advance i pray you receive every blessing in your Lives and once I have mended my life i will help you and guve you a free reading or one of my various types of alternative therapies abd i will also use any money to pay my debt and do more spiritual courses you have no idea how grateful I am to anyone who donayes as right now it is only my faith that is keeping me going and gave me the strength to ask for help on here as my situation is very dire but like i said you are the light at the end of the long and dark tunnel I pray this finds you well

thank you so much in advance again.

love and light



  • A little Goes a long way
  • Campaign Owner
  • UK

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raised of £1,000.00 goal
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