Mary’s Story

Fundraising campaign by Konstantine Japaridze
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Hi everyone, I'm called Mary, I want to talk about my country, my life and my story about my life as much as possible in this country. This is a country in which I was born, where women's rights, particularly in its districts and villages, are particularly cruel.12-year-old girls are demanding the force of women in Bolnisi, some women's body, where every second family violence is in the house which families hide, where women do not have a place where they do not have a place to go to education, and they do not have enough money to get married. Some people are right in living in the capital There are many cases of ill-treatment. For example, her husband asked a minet wife and her husband is missing because she does not know that it is part of the normal sexual life. Here women do not teach families to do their job, they do not explain what sex is, getting married because of friendly love, most people do not know what is intimate, 99% is wrong and if it is done with the status of the boss, what can lead to the disappearance of society, In the district... I was a girl, I am a mother sick in, mother of 4 year's old I was when I began to beat me, my father's violence, her psyche ceased and I Was every day to watch the fighting, beating, hair drugging in hot water to swim, after which little but but severe headaches observed on it, I forgive her everything because I realize now 23 years old, that he could not Think... That's why I was only 8 years old, and I was 8 years old. From the 13 to 17 years in the toilet there was a new entrance to me, I was ridiculed and never knew what time I was going to catch me, So, when my daughter was in bedroom, I thought I was going to bed on my bed and tried to scare me so hard and scared morally, so I could not because of nerves,Today, 3 mobile, glasses and tablets are broken. I could not hear the phone from the school, I did not have the right to dress up the tarpaulin, the shirt or the throat that I found out of the same was,At the age of 19, my mother and my grandmother had been beaten by the beating and locked in the house, he hit me with the guy and forced me to leave me in front of him. This guy had to sell my items to pay for revenge, to bring his wife and to marry the wife that I was his favorite What's wrong about me is this girl, And I know nothing about things... I bought all the precious things for this boy .. I bleed on my body that I did not have the breasts .. And so my grandmother and my brother were masculine .. This is the country where years have to be a daughter and in case of her husband's slave obedient, If you are pregnant, beating and performing everything, my mother says if you want to get married and you want sex, and if you marry her son, let's get married. Here are some women who do not have the right approach to human existence,Everything here is limited to violence, tolerance, and by the fact that if you want to have a bad feeling that your family will not have to worry, even if you stay in the street, you will be laughing at friends, and I will leave you in the street, no one will be sorry for you, because everyone is okay, And if you have a house for the best friend And he will come home and take your father out of order to mislead you to worry that he should be afraid to bring you to the police,That's what people are going to do to me. So I grabbed the girl who helped me to get home because I was getting out of the room, I called my phone and gave him money to pay off the debts, for months I was hungry in the hardest times when my brother was beaten,In the house I was still trying to save this girl and thank you instead of thanking me for months after months, and my brother was going to kill me because of his rumor that I told my brother that my brother did not even have the right to dialogue,Men can do anything for women, I do not have the right to see her eyes, I do not have any makeup. I do not have a good idea of dressing, I've been mentally psychiatric because of my psychic pressure and I am not sorry and instead of stopping my new push to my father's folks,In the year 2016, when my brother overwhelmed me to see me, I saw my mother in my eyes and did not tell him what was happening properly and kept silent, the next day my father did not like me and I went badly in psychology because I was in a bloody unhappy room instead of toilet and instead of helping me,I did not go to the psychiatry to go to the place where the brother did not hit me, because the drugs forced her to die in a coma due to a four dose, I found a terrible attitude towards doctors,As soon as I was released, my father ran up to the door and shouted the fists with the car,The brain was blurred, the brain was shattered by so much violence from the pain .. at home I was going to go out of the 9th floor in the nightmare in the coma in the attempt to wreck and the brain was so damaging me to start the hallucinations, it was the first hallucination of me, because I never had anything to kill me and I am a 23 year old girl and an honest girl, The church too,The next day I ran out of the house and left me after the signing of my hands on someone else's on the next day for the unknown reasons .. I could not stop thinking about my problems and just disappeared when I needed the most I did. I've gone forever after standing there for a while. And even the college did not even know the impact of the street and I told him that so many bad things happen to me,Then voices were heard, and he barely stand the spiritual attacks as home to be cursed, home I Wass Impressed even highly terribly Behaviour... Now so I am the one person who did not believe the humiliation more than anything entered my mind to study for an explanation instead of asking me for money and Diploma can not do but the hope that I have at least one friend At least help me. Every day I live in hope that someone will give me money, house, and suddenly the miracle will happen and I will go to a separate living where I can not be afraid that the night will fall in the night or bury the brother,Once upon a backbone, you have to accidentally get out of bed. I'm not afraid of health, I do not even have health, from 19 years to hours, in the Boon of the soul, from spasms, after beating and even after hallucinations, Please Help Me. Maybe I'll have to Buy my home and get the income I'm afraid of every day for fear of not killing me.

Fundraising Team

  • Konstantine Japaridze
  • Dancer
  • Konstantine Japaridze
  • Dancer

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