Daddy’s Little girl

Fundraising campaign by Jeremiah Mixon
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    raised of $15,000.00 goal goal
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I'm trying to get custody of my daughter.

My daughter Kaitlin needs a fair shake in life. Her mother has been summoned to truancy court several times. The last time she was summoned, the judge put her on a 180 (6 month) probationary period. To include the summer months. During which time, my daughter had very few absences. Since that probationary period ended in late November, my daughter has been absent approximately 21 days. All of which are unexcused absences. She is now on a McKinney-Vento list claiming to be homeless. However she is not. It is the school district policy for the child to remain on the list for the remainder of the school year.

I am her father. I am a home owner. My home is a 4/2.5 multilevel home with a detached garage. I am a disabled veteran of the US Army. I live within 4 blocks from a suitable elementary school that is very eager to have her enrolled in their school system. My goal is NOT to take my daughter away from her mother, but to be the primary custodial parent and to share custody with her mother. However her mother claims to be homeless, she has absolutely no verifiable income of any sort.

My daughter needs a break in life. She's been accepted into the "Expo" program, however this program cannot help her if she is unable to attend school. She deserves a safe, secure, and stable home environment that she is unable to get while living with her mother.

All too often we hear and read stories about "deadbeat dad's". I'm trying to do the best I can to be there for my daughter, to teach her to grow up to be a happy, healthy, successful woman later in life. I need to be able to be more accessible to her, and I need her to know that I love her, care about her future, and will not only stand up for her, but also be the best dad I can be.

The attorney that I am in negotiations with says that this case will more than likely require approximately $15,000 after his discount he would apply for being a disabled veteran. But that he will start the filing process with a bare minimum amount of $2000. This goes towards his

Retainer fee

Filing fees

Per diem expenses

Mediation expenses

I'm asking people to donate to a little girls successful future. And by helping me, you're in turn helping her.

Your combined donations of up to $15,000 will help ensure that she has a chance in life.

Please help us give her the opportunity.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


  • Jeremiah Mixon
  • Campaign Owner

No updates for this campaign just yet


Brian Merritt
raised of $15,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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